WGEO Common Assessment Vocabulary

  1. 4. the area around this part of the globe will have a warm climate.
  2. 8. where the majority of U.S. urban centers were located in 1900.
  3. 9. as countries recognize ____ they pass laws mandating reduced carbon emissions.
  4. 10. attracted people to New York City in the mid-19th century.
  5. 12. collision of which created northeastern border of India.
  6. 14. means consumers will have access to a wide variety of products.
  7. 16. government allows privately owned media.
  8. 17. different architectural styles in different regions is an example of ___.
  9. 20. a region characterized by a focal point, ex: Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.
  1. 1. over the last 2 centuries population has shifted from New England to the midwest.
  2. 2. here there is interaction between plants and animals.
  3. 3. climate influenced by rain-shadow effect and low elevation.
  4. 5. only spring and summer months receive greatest amount of solar energy.
  5. 6. helped diffuse Jazz through the USA.
  6. 7. Religion and languages are common characteristics of ___.
  7. 11. why people came to America during the 17th-18th centuries.
  8. 13. barrier to westward expansion.
  9. 15. ____ can help people adapt to the environment by providing warnings for natural disasters
  10. 18. controls the global distribution of a natural resource.
  11. 19. often this government will control the media and limit information.