WHAP Unit 3.1

  1. 2. Invention by Gutenberg that led to an increase in literacy
  2. 5. Chinese dynasty that began in 1368
  3. 6. Islamic king or emperor
  4. 8. The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires that relied on firearms to conquer and control
  5. 11. large multi-ethnic states in Southwest, Central, and South Asia that relied on firearms to conquer and control territories.
  6. 14. the largest and longest lasting Islamic Empire
  7. 15. Conquered Constantinople and changed its name to Istanbul before attempting to conquer Venice, Italy
  8. 19. invaded Central Asia and the Middle East in order to establish the Turkic Empires
  9. 20. Chinese revolt against high taxes and to restore the Ming Dynasty
  10. 22. Leader of the Golden Age of the Mughal Empire
  11. 23. Shah of the Safavid Golden Age
  12. 24. A model for warrior life for a holy fighter of Islam
  1. 1. Chinese poet and emperor who annexed the Xinjiang territories and invaded Nepal
  2. 3. Empire with 2 problems: No real navy & no natural defenses
  3. 4. Strict social grouping in the Mughal Empire
  4. 7. Chinese Emperor who expanded China territory into Taiwan, Mongolia, and Central Asia
  5. 9. The period that began in 1450
  6. 10. Chinese invaders that began the Qing Dynasty
  7. 12. River that Ivan the Terrible took control of to expand trade
  8. 13. Chinese Dynasty that ruled until 1911
  9. 16. Tsar of Russia who began the expansion of Russia into Mongol Territories
  10. 17. The major religion of the Russian Empire
  11. 18. Ruler of the Ottoman Empire during its Golden Age
  12. 21. Safavid ruler who conquered most of Persia