what do you know about stella? Find out here. for: the emo squad

  1. 3. my name if i were a teacher (my middle name, includes ms)
  2. 4. worst thing at the beach
  3. 8. instrument i play at home
  4. 9. favorite drink(starts with f)
  5. 11. what i put on my meatball hoagie
  6. 12. 'good day' in german
  7. 13. I have wayyy too many of these(Christmas___, Wish___,to-do___)
  8. 15. my least favorite subject
  9. 16. my dream job
  1. 1. what does my current favorite hoodie say
  2. 2. my dream car (75' chevy___)
  3. 5. one of me favorite songs (by maty noyes)
  4. 6. my least favorite meal
  5. 7. best place to get fraps
  6. 8. my fav color
  7. 10. the first number
  8. 14. my name