What do you know about the Couple?

  1. 3. Liv’s favorite hobby
  2. 4. Where did Liv and Ben meet
  3. 5. Liv and Ben’s nicknames (Hint: Tea and Coffee)
  4. 6. Ben’s go-to footwear combo
  5. 8. Favorite childhood superhero
  6. 10. Liv’s high school sport
  7. 12. Month of dating anniversayr
  8. 13. Liv’s favorite season
  9. 15. Liv’s favorite superhero
  1. 1. Ben forgot to plan dinner for Liv on their first date…. so he made ____:
  2. 2. First band they traveled to see (hint: brain)
  3. 4. Ben’s favorite TV show growing up
  4. 7. Liv’s hometown
  5. 8. Liv’s middle name
  6. 9. Cartoon their cat and dog are named after (Appa and Momo)
  7. 11. Ben's favorite board game
  8. 14. Ben’s middle name