What is Ag?

  1. 3. How many U.S. farmers does it take to feed 155 people? (hint: you are going to need to spell the number out.)
  2. 4. Today, ______________________ leads in plant-based fiber production
  3. 6. One event to cause our population to decrease is a natural ___________.
  4. 7. The plant and animal materials used to make fabric and clothing.
  5. 9. The two animal fibers we discussed in class were __________ and silk.
  6. 14. Something, such as a forest, a mineral deposit, or fresh water, that is found in nature and is necessary or useful to humans.
  7. 15. The production of many different types of food and fiber, utilizing a variety of methods.
  8. 16. The current human population of the world (hint: for this answer, you are going to need to spell the number out.)
  1. 1. The total number of human beings on our planet.
  2. 2. There are 4 main universal crops. Those crops are wheat, oats, rice, and ________. Which crop is missing?
  3. 5. One event to cause our population to increase is modern ___________.
  4. 8. In 1776, what percentage of the population farmed? (hint: for this answer, you are going to need to spell the number out.)
  5. 10. Does agriculture look different around the world?
  6. 11. True or False: Natural resources exist in an unlimited supply.
  7. 12. The diet of people around the world, both direct items like fruits and vegetables, to livestock feed which in turn provides meat for people.
  8. 13. True or False: Agriculture is the largest industry in the U.S. employing over 20 million people.