What is Government?

  1. 1. level means in the village, town or locality
  2. 5. Krishna Raja Sagara Dam in
  3. 6. A mark is put on the finger to make sure that a person casts only one --
  4. 7. Citizens of 18 years and above in the country are allowed to vote is Universal Adult --
  5. 8. sections were not excluded from the voting rights in the earlier forms of government
  6. 11. Democracy is a form of government chosen by the
  7. 12. government works at the level of local, state and --
  8. 13. Law maker institution in the country
  9. 14. type of government is chosen by the people
  1. 2. On which level does Indian government take decision to maintain peaceful relations with U.S.S.R
  2. 3. Government makes for everyone to follow
  3. 4. -- is the organization, or agency through which a political unit exercises its authority and controls the actions of its citizens.
  4. 9. The citizens of the country have the right to approach the ____ if they feel there is violation of any law by an individual or by the government
  5. 10. A mark is put on the ____ to make sure that a person casts only one vote