What is Grace

  1. 2. Only those who trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior from sin are_____of God
  2. 5. We must confess Christ and______of our sin to be adopted into God's family
  3. 6. By God's grace we are given_____to believe in Jesus
  4. 7. The whole_______is full of God's grace
  5. 8. Because of God's grace He forgives, justifies, and ____us into His family
  6. 10. God is gracious in_____He does
  7. 11. Every_____thing in the wold is because of God's grace
  8. 12. We need God's_____all the time
  9. 13. God's Spirit____that we belong to God
  10. 14. Grace is God's kindness towards the _____
  1. 1. By God's gace our lives are_______
  2. 3. God gives people_____to seek Him
  3. 4. We cannot do anything to deserve God's____
  4. 9. Because of our sin, we are______from God