What is Technology

  1. 2. the name of the student who created this puzzle is?
  2. 5. the first step of the design process
  3. 9. transportation technology vehicle that is an ultra highspeed transportation ecosystem made up of system of tubes that pods can travel
  4. 10. the fourth step of the design process
  5. 12. Dog was born with deformed legs through medical technology the scientist printed prosthetic legs through 3d printing which had helped the dog walk, run, and jump like a normal dog with legs.
  6. 14. the sixth step of the design process
  7. 16. the third step of the design process
  8. 17. The building of large structures such as buildings, roads, and bridges amongst other structures to serve a purpose in a technological society.
  1. 1. the fifth step of the design process
  2. 3. Growing of plants and animals for food, fiber, fuel, chemical to other useful products
  3. 4. The use of technology that has the ability to record, state, manipulate, analyze, and transmit data over long distances.
  4. 5. the effect or impression of one thing on another
  5. 6. The use of transportation over land, sea, air, and space, to transport people, resources, and products.
  6. 7. The use of technology to develop tools and practices to improve productivity so that fewer people are needed to feed all society
  7. 8. The production of physical goods from material resources.
  8. 11. The use of technology for diagnostics and treatment practices.
  9. 13. the second step of the design process
  10. 15. The processing and controlling of energy and its resources for the development of technology