What is the visible light spectrum?

  1. 3. Light is a form of _______ called the electromagnetic spectrum.
  2. 9. Each color _________ at a slightly different angle depending on the wavelength of the color. This word means change direction.
  3. 10. Wavelength tells us how much energy a specific type of light has. The light we can see is somewhere in the _______ of the spectrum.
  4. 11. A _______ is a piece of clear glass that looks like a triangle or a pyramid. The smooth sides and sharp angles affect how light passes through it.
  5. 12. The prism bends the light and causes the colors to ___________ from each other. This happens because each color has a different wavelength.
  6. 14. Sometimes, color gives us information about ________________.
  7. 15. __________ waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation with the longest wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum.
  8. 16. Visible light ranges from 380 ______ to 700 nanometers.
  9. 19. Light moves through space as a wave. We show light as a _____ organized by how long or short the waves are.
  10. 21. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is part of the _________ light spectrum that reaches earth from the sun. It cannot be seen but it can cause skin aging and skin cancer.
  11. 23. Isaac Newton's experiment in 1665 showed that a prism bends _________ light.
  12. 24. If the sun were a hotter 12,000 degrees Celsius, it would look _______ like the star Rigel.
  1. 1. This is the type of wavelength between microwave and visible light? See the diagram.
  2. 2. Other wavelengths (other than visible) are too large or too small for our eyes to _________.
  3. 4. ________ is at the other end of the rainbow because it has the longest wavelength.
  4. 5. Visible light is the part of the ___________________ spectrum that you're most familiar with. We see it because our eyes pick up the wavelengths of visible light.
  5. 6. Blue is closer to _________ in the rainbow and has shorter waves than red light. This also means that blue light has more energy than red light, and blue flames have the hottest temperature in a fire.
  6. 7. __________ rays have the smallest wavelengths and the most energy of any wave in the electromagnetic spectrum.
  7. 8. Violet is at one end of the rainbow because it has the shortest ____________________.
  8. 13. Our sun produces more ___________ light than any other color.
  9. 17. Visible light has a _________ of colors.
  10. 18. The ______ light that passes through a prism looks like a rainbow on the other side.
  11. 20. If the sun's surface were a cooler 3,000 degrees Celsius it would look reddish like the star _________.
  12. 22. The flames that look red have the longest wavelength, which means they have the ________ energy. While all fire is hot, red flames have cooler temperatures.