What Tab In The HPDB will I find....

  1. 3. If Autism is Covered?
  2. 6. Benefit for Custom Molded Orthotics?
  3. 8. How Newborn charges are processed
  4. 12. Timely filing information?
  5. 14. IUD placement and removal
  6. 15. does plan require a referral
  7. 19. no touch for calls or claims
  8. 21. Panniculectomy
  1. 1. Tobacco Use
  2. 2. Plan specific approved provider list
  3. 4. Covid related information
  4. 5. Non-true emergency coverage
  5. 7. Special Pharmacy Vendor
  6. 9. RX Copay
  7. 10. who handles Prior Authorization
  8. 11. Real Appeal
  9. 13. Does Deductible Cross-feed?
  10. 16. Shingrix
  11. 17. Hearing Test?
  12. 18. Patient to physician Virtual visit
  13. 20. Substance Abuse Treatment