What we do at Easter

  1. 6. What is Antonia going to do this Easter? She is going …..
  2. 7. What does Julia get besides eggs and sweets? A little …
  3. 8. What does Lisa do in the afternoon? She goes for a …
  4. 9. Where does Marie´s family go to see in the afternoon? Their ….
  5. 11. Where do Jenni and her family go on Easter Sunday morning? To …
  6. 12. Who does Sophie´s family go camping with? With their best …
  7. 13. What does Noelle look for at 10 o ´clock when she goes outside? Eggs and chocolate …
  8. 15. Where does Elisabeth´s mum hide little presents? In the…...
  9. 16. What does Jenny E. watch at Easter?
  1. 1. What does Anna have in the restaurant? Pizza and …
  2. 2. Who hides the Easter presents for Deborah: Her …
  3. 3. What is the name of Johanna´s cousin?
  4. 4. With whom will Milena celebrate Easter? With her parents and her …
  5. 5. Where does Madeleine go in the evening? To a ….
  6. 6. What is the name of Sophia´s dog?
  7. 10. If it is raining, where does Angela´s mum hide the presents? In the …
  8. 12. What time does Miriam wake up on Easter Sunday morning? At … o´clock.
  9. 14. Does Stella look for the gifts before o rafter breakfast?