What's in Your Mug?

  1. 3. A spiced latte made with black tea, milk, and a blend of spices.
  2. 4. A fall favorite in Japan, this drink is made with roasted green tea, lending it a nutty and earthy flavor.
  3. 5. A coffee drink made with espresso, steamed milk and pecan flavored syrup. It's like Thanksgiving desert in a cup!
  4. 6. A non-alcoholic mixed drink made with cranberry juice, orange juice and sparkling water, perfect for spooky gatherings.
  5. 8. A classic fall favorite, made with espresso, steamed milk, pumpkin-flavored syrup and spices.
  6. 9. Inspired by a fictional boy with a lightning scar, this non-alcoholic pumpkin flavored drink is refreshing and and a perfect pick-me-up when studying, pumpkin picking, or defending your school against he-who-shall-not-be-named.
  7. 12. A variation on a fall classic, made with pears, and spices.
  8. 15. A latte made with espresso, steamed milk and cinnamon syrup.
  9. 16. A latte made with espresso, steamed milk, and sweet maple syrup, perfect for watching the leaves change.
  10. 17. A warm cocktail made with dark rum, hot water, butter, and aromatic spices.
  11. 18. A drink originating from Turin, Italy, made by layering espresso, hot chocolate and whipped cream.
  12. 19. A comforting and fragrant beverage made by heating and spicing fresh squeezed apple juice.
  1. 1. Heated and infused red wine, with flavors such as cinnamon, cloves and orange peel.
  2. 2. A simple and cozy drink made with warm milk and vanilla syrup.
  3. 7. A favorite for fall and winter alike, made with cocoa powder, milk and sugar, and often topped with whipped cream and marshmallows.
  4. 8. A fall take on a winter classic, made by adding pumpkin puree to an egg and cream based drink.
  5. 10. Flavorful and rich of antioxidants, this juice is made from a fruit heavily associated with the story of the Greek god Hades and his kingdom of the Underworld.
  6. 11. A chic choice to match the fall vibes, made by combining steamed milk with Earl Grey tea.
  7. 13. A tart and refreshing juice, made from a berry that evokes images of Thanksgiving.
  8. 14. A drink meant to protect you from the cold, traditionally made with hot water, whiskey, honey and lemon.