When My Name was Keoko

  1. 3. Sun-hee's japanese name
  2. 6. We will ____ our eyes and point. Whatever letter we point to, we will choose a name that begins with this letter.
  3. 8. Japanese family name
  4. 12. What does uncle draw and then burn?
  5. 13. What is the blade that may be fixed to the muzzle of a rifle called?
  6. 15. What did sun-hee's uncle do and got caught by the Japanese?
  7. 17. What is the name of the boy who loves machine and is willing to be a pilot.
  8. 19. Sohn Kee Chung's name called in the newspaper.
  9. 20. We aren't ______ we're Korean
  1. 1. What is the game in which a string looped in a pattern like a cradle on the fingers of one person's hands is transferred to the hands of another so as to form a different figure.
  2. 2. Who is Sun-hee's japanese friend?
  3. 4. Korean family name
  4. 5. long race
  5. 7. The war was over. The Emperor had _____ to the United States
  6. 9. What is the word for mom in Korean?
  7. 10. What is the name of the girl who is quiet and loves her family?
  8. 11. Korea participated in the _____ under its own flag for the first time in 1948 in London.
  9. 12. classified in ___ dictionaries according to their main components which are called radicals in English
  10. 14. founder of Korea
  11. 16. What is the word for dad in Korean?
  12. 18. Where does this story take place?