Which Dragon Is Which?

  1. 2. [Timeless Fairy Tales] With her song, she creates sea serpents out water and magic.
  2. 4. [Magiford] She's the ultimate baddie of Jade's books and is presumably obsessed with the color purple.
  3. 6. [Princess Ahira] Understandably, the Dragon King's scales are this color.
  4. 8. [Princess Ahira] Unsurprisingly, this pink dragon is named after a particular popular flower.
  5. 13. [Timeless Fairy Tales] According to Yakov, this particular country had a spot of trouble with a dragon in the past!
  6. 14. [Princess Ahira] This silver dragon starts off cold but slowly warms up to Ahira.
  7. 17. [Fairy Tale Enchantress] Due to his portal magic, a small water dragon comes to visit.
  8. 19. [MBRC] This is the canine-like name of the blue baby dragon in the MBRC.
  9. 20. [Magiford] One of these water-dwelling dragonesque creatures can be found in the Night Court.
  10. 21. [King Arthur] She is known as the "red dragon"—Merlin had the image emblazoned on her armor.
  1. 1. [Magiford] The roaring black dragon is the notorious symbol belonging to this vampire Family.
  2. 2. [MBRC] Blood Binder is the name of the member that serves on the ___ board of the MBRC.
  3. 3. [MBRC] Miss Bea, a dragon the size of a small bus, is this flamingo-like color.
  4. 5. [King Arthur] Astoundingly, it turns out this particular "beast" Pellinore chases is actually a dragon!
  5. 7. [Magiford] Many of the oldest vampire Families have last names honoring this ancient line.
  6. 9. [Magiford] Considine refers to the Dracos children as the _____ brats.
  7. 10. [Fairy Tale Enchantress] Within this country's desert, an ancient site has a crest of two dragons fighting with the sun between them.
  8. 11. [Timeless Fairy Tales] Gemma stitches a silver dragon on this article of clothing for Stil.
  9. 12. [Princess Ahira] This is the purple-hued duke who gives Ahira a bracelet (and his heart!).
  10. 15. [Magiford] Confirmed in Magic on Main Street, dragons gain power from their ____.
  11. 16. [Timeless Fairy Tales] Rothbart found a way to create these dragon-like creatures.
  12. 17. [Timeless Fairy Tales] This country's army is known as the "Dragon Army."
  13. 18. [Magiford] Renowned for her banking systems and vaults, one would be wise to never steal from her!