Which Soil Are You?

  1. 3. Seed falling along the path is what by the birds? (Matthew 13:4)
  2. 9. The good seeds that fell on good soil did what? (Matthews 13:8) (2 words)
  3. 10. Some seed fell among good what and yielded a hundredfold? (Luke 8:8)
  4. 13. If the land produces thorns and thistles, it is worthless and is to be what? (Hebrews 6:8)
  5. 15. The seeds that fell among the what is choked as it tries to grow? (Matthew 13:7)
  6. 17. How quickly does the one who receives the word and endures for a while because he has no root in himself will fall away when tribulation and persecution arise? (Matthew 13:21)
  7. 18. The one who hears the word and receives it immediately with what will endure for a while? (Matthew 13:20)
  8. 19. Those who hear the word and accept it will ______ fruit? (Mark 4:20)
  1. 1. Those who hear the word and hold it fast in an honest and good heart, has what kind of soil? (Luke 8:15)
  2. 2. The seed that fell among the path and what underfoot will be devoured by birds? (Luke 8:5)
  3. 4. The seed sown in what kind of soil will understand and bear fruit? (Matthew 13:23)
  4. 5. The seeds that fell on rocky ground is what when the sun rises? (Matthew 13:6)
  5. 6. The seed that fell among thorns, grew up, but the thorns grew up with it and did what to it? (Luke 8:7)
  6. 7. The cares of this world will cause the seed to be what? (Matthew 13:22)
  7. 8. The seed sown among seed is the one who hears the word and lets what of the world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word? (Matthew 13:22)
  8. 11. Land that produces a crop useful to those for whose sake it is cultivated, receives a what from God? (Hebrews 6:7)
  9. 12. The seed that fell on the rock grew up but what away? (Luke 8:6)
  10. 14. Who snatches away what is sown in the heart if given a chance? (Matthew 13:19) (2 words)
  11. 16. Whatever one sows, that he will also what? (Galatians 6:7)