Who Am I? The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

  1. 4. I gave the children gifts that helped them defeat the White Witch.
  2. 8. I was knighted by Aslan because I bravely protected my sister and killed the Witch's wolf.
  3. 9. I betrayed my family just so I could get more sweets.
  4. 10. I tried protecting my family while we were in Narnia, kind of like a mother.
  1. 1. My goal was to stop the 4 children from sitting on the thrones at Cair Paraval.
  2. 2. I was supposed to capture humans for the White Witch, but decided to make one of them my friend instead.
  3. 3. I felt that we had to stay in Narnia and help Mr. Tumnus, because he is in trouble for saving my life.
  4. 5. I explained the prophecy and led the children to find Aslan.
  5. 6. I agreed to take in children as refugees during World War II.
  6. 7. I sacrificed myself for a traitor and died on the Stone Table.