Who is the Holy Spirit

  1. 2. The Holy Spirit is a ______
  2. 3. Eternally and ______ God
  3. 8. The Holy Spirit is God's _____ on our hearts
  4. 9. He opens our hearts to _____ the Bible
  5. 11. The Holy Spirit _____ us
  6. 12. shows us our _____
  7. 13. He _____ leaves us
  8. 15. ______God's promises for us forever
  1. 1. Third person of the _____
  2. 4. The Holy Spirit _____ within God's children
  3. 5. We _____ Him when we disobey God
  4. 6. God _____ us with the Holy Spirit
  5. 7. _____us to be more like Jesus
  6. 10. He opens our minds to _____ the Bible
  7. 14. He helps us to live to _____ Jesus