Who or What is Your Favorite Superhero?

  1. 5. Angi
  2. 8. Cary
  3. 12. Stefani
  4. 16. Shayla
  5. 17. Salvador
  6. 20. Elden
  7. 22. Jessica, Jay, Marsha, Jade and Chris all consider ______ to be their favorite superhero
  8. 23. James and Carol both consider ______ ______ to be their favorite superhero
  9. 25. Ishmael
  1. 1. Frank
  2. 2. Chandler
  3. 3. Fidelia
  4. 4. Wen had this to say when asked who or what her favorite superhero is
  5. 6. Anne
  6. 7. Lori
  7. 9. Ryan
  8. 10. Earl and Luis both consider ______ to be their favorite superhero
  9. 11. Marissa and Ray both consider ______ ______ to be their favorite superhero
  10. 13. Enendina
  11. 14. Brittney
  12. 15. Cherie
  13. 18. Maddy
  14. 19. Michael, Trina, Drew, Betty, Tyler, Amanda and Liz all consider ______ to be their favorite superhero
  15. 21. Aaron
  16. 24. Richie B, Connie and Kristine all consider ______ ______ to be their favorite superhero