Who's Who

  1. 2. Modeled on or aiming for a state in which everything is perfect
  2. 8. de Tocqueville/ French diplomat, political scientist, and historian. Author of Democracy in America
  3. 9. David Thoreau/ A leading transcendentalist, best known for his book Walden.
  4. 10. Allen Poe/ He is known for being a poet that wrote about mysteries and morbid events
  5. 12. Douglass/ African American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman
  6. 14. Dix/ American activist that worked on behalf of the mentally insane
  7. 15. Turner/ Enslaved African American who led rebellion of slaves and free blacks.
  8. 17. Irvin/ He is best known for his short stories Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
  9. 18. Calhoun/ American statesman and political theorist from South Carolina and the seventh Vice President of the United States. Is remembered for strongly defending slavery.
  10. 20. Core belief believes in nature and self reliance
  11. 22. system/ The practice of, after winning an election, giving civil jobs for your friends, family, and supporters.
  12. 23. Truth/ African American abolitionist and women's right activist
  13. 26. Morse/ Invented the telegraph
  14. 27. McCormick/ Invented the mechanical reaper
  15. 29. Cady Stanton/ Worked with Lucretia Mott during the Seneca Falls Convention
  16. 32. Rush/ The movement of a lot of people going towards an area with gold.
  17. 33. Purchase/ The purchase that allowed the United States to gain the southern part of Arizona and New Mexico
  18. 35. Destiny/ A belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable
  19. 37. A pivotal event in the Texas Revolution.
  20. 38. Canal/ Canal that opened trade between New York and the midwestern states and aided in the growth of New York as a port
  1. 1. A religious and cultural group related to Mormonism
  2. 3. The act of canceling something
  3. 4. parts/ First used for musket rifles
  4. 5. Waldo Emerson/ American essayist, lecturer, and poet who led the transcendentalist movement of the mid 19th century.
  5. 6. of Abominations/ A protective tariff passed by the Congress of the United States, designed to protect industry on the northern United States
  6. 7. Restriction of interest to a narrow sphere; undue concern with local interests or petty distinctions
  7. 11. A person who favors the abolition of a practice or institution
  8. 13. Fennimore Cooper/ He is known for his historical romances of frontier and the Indian life.
  9. 16. Lode/ Located under the eastern slope of Mount Davidson, first major discovery of silver in the United States
  10. 19. Bank/ A commercial bank that is chartered under federal government
  11. 21. Political idea that a nation should govern itself
  12. 24. Mott/ Women's rights activist. Worked with Elizabeth Staton during the Seneca Falls Convention
  13. 25. Great Awakening/ A Protestant religious revival during the early 19th century in the United States
  14. 28. Young/ American leader in the Latter Day Saint movement, moved Mormons to Utah
  15. 30. Smith/ American religious leader and founder of Mormonism
  16. 31. gin/ A machine for separating cotton from its seed
  17. 34. Whitney/ Invented the cotton gin
  18. 35. cession/ A historical name on the United States for the region of the modern day southwestern United States that Mexico ceded to the US in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
  19. 36. Webster/ Created the dictionary
  20. 37. Jackson/ American soldier and statesman who served as the seventh President of the United States. He gained the support through being seen as a “common man”.