Why did Germany lose World War One?

  1. 4. The British navy set this up to force the German people into starvation
  2. 6. Battle lasting from July - November 1916
  3. 7. Failed British campaign to invade and defeat Turkey
  4. 9. Major naval battle of 1916 where the Germans failed to defeat the British navy
  5. 11. Battle of July - November 1917 (also known as the Third Battle of Ypres)
  6. 12. This ally of Germany surrendered in October 1918
  1. 1. Joined the war against Germany in April 1917
  2. 2. German weapons used to attack merchant ships travelling across the Atlantic
  3. 3. Withdrew from the war in 1917 following a revolution
  4. 5. The leader of Germany before and during World War One, Kaiser ____ II
  5. 6. Germany's 1914 plan to defeat France to avoid a war on 2 Fronts
  6. 8. German General who planned a major advance in the Spring of 1918
  7. 10. Commander of the British forces on the Western Front
  8. 12. Weapon first used by Britain in 1916