Why do Leaves Change colors

  1. 2. Waste left in the leaves is what color?
  2. 5. As the chlorophyll breaks down in a banana it reveals what color?
  3. 6. Nature's Food Factory
  4. 7. in the winter these rest and live of the food they stored.
  5. 8. in the winter there is not enough __________ for photosynthesis.
  6. 10. In the winter
  7. 11. Bright reds and purples is from __________ trapped in leaves after photosynthesis stops.
  1. 1. Plants get water from their roots, use carbon dioxide and sunlight and turn it into glucose for food
  2. 3. get _____________
  3. 4. gives plants their green color
  4. 9. As _________ fades away we see yellow and orange.