Why Do People Buy Hybrid cars?

  1. 2. A person who loves the ________ might choose a green jeep.
  2. 5. In recent years, the number of ________ car owners has increased a lot.
  3. 6. According to research, people buy hybrid cars for the following three-to save money, to increase fuel ________, and to reduce pollution.
  4. 8. These powerful batteries are charged while the car is not being ________.
  5. 10. When this happens, hybrid cars run mostly on ________ power.
  6. 12. More importantly, driving a hybrid car is one of the best ways to ________ pollution.
  7. 13. People consider all kinds of things when they are in the ________ for a new car.
  1. 1. This is because hybrid cars run on ________ instead of running only on fuel.
  2. 3. The color,________, and size of the car are some of the first things people look at.
  3. 4. A bright red sports car might ________ someone who loves speed and excitement.
  4. 5. Nowadays there are cars that are powered by different energy sources, such as solar cars and ________ cars.
  5. 7. These days, people even ________ the kind of fuel that a car uses.
  6. 9. However, drivers can save a lot of money on ________ costs.
  7. 11. When you drive in the city, you might stop and go more often due to ________ signals and stop signs.