Wild Swans Crossword

  1. 2. During the famine, people would kill _______ and sell them as "rabbit meat"
  2. 4. Which child, born in 1962, was the favorite
  3. 6. Skin disease Xiao-hei was born with
  4. 9. Months that Jung Chang's mother was kept away from her children during the investigation
  5. 10. Fruit that Chinese ate to show patriotism
  6. 13. How many millions of people were estimated to have died in the Chinese Famine
  7. 15. Chinese name that means "martial affairs"
  8. 18. Place Jung Chang's father sent his mother-in-law
  9. 19. Number of stars on Chinese Flag
  10. 22. Jung Chang never learned to do this in school
  11. 23. Made you a better Communist
  12. 24. Chinese people donated this during the Korean War to help buy fighter planes
  13. 27. Where Jung Chang's mother and other pregnant women hid from the Broadsword Brigade
  14. 29. Jung Chang's mother was frustrated that her husband's loyalty was to this instead of her
  15. 30. Grade 13 and above
  16. 32. Jung Chang worked in this industry at age six
  1. 1. Mao hated this type of bird because it stole grain
  2. 3. The Communists pledged to combat this
  3. 5. An execution could extend to cousins _____ times removed
  4. 7. One sixth of an acre
  5. 8. City that fell on December 11, 1949
  6. 11. Mao identified himself with this Soviet Leader
  7. 12. Child that was most attached to wet nurse
  8. 14. What sport was Jung Chang selected for
  9. 16. In 1965, Mao ordered everyone to remove all of this
  10. 17. Jung Chang's father's "home" was his ______
  11. 20. Percentage of peasants that couldn't feed their families
  12. 21. Jung Chang's oldest sister
  13. 25. Chinese custom to show submissive manner
  14. 26. Mao became more godlike by surrounding himself with ______
  15. 28. Capital of Sichuan
  16. 31. Set out on her own to march across China to Yibin