Wild to Celebrate our August Birthdays

  1. 3. This August birthday celebrant would like to travel to Africa someday to see hippos up close and personal.
  2. 9. This August birthday celebrant is wild about cows. Are there wild cows in the jungle?
  3. 12. This August birthday celebrant is a proud Leo. His birth date is considered the Leo cut-off date in astrology.
  4. 14. This August birthday celebrant admires turtles because turtles take their time and have strong shells that protect them from all different types of elements.
  5. 15. This August birthday celebrant wrote a report on tigers in the fifth grade. She also seems to be very afraid of large spiders.
  6. 16. This August birthday celebrant got to pet a baby llama on his recent trip to South America with his family.
  1. 1. This August birthday celebrant has always wanted to have the relaxed lifestyle of a sloth.
  2. 2. This August birthday celebrant got her first jungle animal pet, a shih tzu named Prince, in 2018.
  3. 4. This August birthday celebrant’s favorite animal is a lion because it is strong and fierce.
  4. 5. This adventurous August birthday celebrant has scuba-dived with sharks in Palau.
  5. 6. This August birthday celebrant’s spirit animal, as described by his colleagues in uniform, is “a beast” because he has a “beast” work ethic and is always willing to put in the hard work necessary to achieve his tasks.
  6. 7. Born in the Year of the Tiger, this August birthday celebrant has adopted the tiger as his spirit animal
  7. 8. Similar to hummingbirds, bees, butterflies and moths of the jungle, this August birthday celebrant loves orchids.
  8. 9. This August birthday celebrant has petted a live giraffe in her lifetime. Also, have you heard of an axolotl? If not, then you should definitely ask her about.
  9. 10. Unique to our other birthday celebrants for the month, this August birthday celebrant does not like animals… at all.
  10. 11. When he is not hard at work at the Judiciary, this August birthday celebrant loves to fish.
  11. 13. This August birthday celebrant is an avid bird watcher.