
  1. 3. What does fire do to stuff?
  2. 7. Something hot used to make smores.
  3. 9. The fuel for the fire
  4. 10. You can cook smores​ and food over this and stay warm when camping.​
  5. 11. a large open-air fire used as part of a celebration, for burning trash, or as a signal
  6. 15. fire going on in Shasta-Trinity ​National forest
  7. 17. when thunder strikes on a forested area or a person's campfire is not put out and ​it sets the forest on fire.​
  8. 18. something to use to communicate during a wildfire.
  9. 19. How many _____ does a wildfire burn?
  10. 20. What you don't want to do when a wildfire is near
  1. 1. what firefighters do to clear the area of fuel.
  2. 2. in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give out bright light, heat, and smoke.
  3. 4. Something that happens during a storm.
  4. 5. put one of these around your house to stop fuel.
  5. 6. a plant that has residue ​that can heal a burn or rash.
  6. 8. A very huge or fiercely burning fire
  7. 12. A very large fire.​
  8. 13. a person who ​umps into the fire to put it out.​
  9. 14. an extensive fire which destroys a great deal of land or property.​
  10. 16. a hot glowing body of ignited gas that is generated by something on fire.