
  1. 1. You can't ______ a wildfire that's spreading.
  2. 3. They help with major emergencies and disasters
  3. 4. ________ is a natural event that can cause wildfires
  4. 6. Keep these away from your house
  5. 9. Planning ahead and being ready
  6. 10. Wildfires start in _______ areas
  7. 13. Trees, Bushes, twigs, leaves are ____ for wildfires.
  8. 14. Always soak your _________.
  9. 15. Wildfires need heat, fuel and ______.
  1. 2. Heat, fuel and oxygen make up the fire ________.
  2. 5. Wildfires can be caused by natural events or by ______.
  3. 7. Plan ahead! Know your __________ route.
  4. 8. Have an evacuation ___ and be ready to go!
  5. 9. Have a ____ to communicate with your family during a wildfire.
  6. 11. ___ flag warning warns of wildfire conditions
  7. 12. Federal Emergency Management Agency