Wildlife and Forest Management

  1. 4. Any distinct population of wildlife, interbreeds
  2. 6. National Diversity Data Base
  3. 7. Assess, document implementation of mitigation
  4. 10. plan that describes impacts/conservation measures
  5. 13. area occupied by species when listed (ESA 1973)
  6. 17. National Environmental Policy Act
  7. 18. California Endangered Species Act
  8. 19. California) Forest Practice Rules
  9. 20. North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board
  1. 1. species likely to become an endangered species
  2. 2. northern spotted owl
  3. 3. A standing dead tree.
  4. 5. incremental environmental impact of an action
  5. 8. National Marine Fisheries Service
  6. 9. marbled murrelet conservation area
  7. 10. Take/an act which actually kills or injures.
  8. 11. Timber harvesting plan
  9. 12. A form of take under the federal ESA negligent
  10. 14. harass, harm, hunt, shoot, kill etc. wildlife
  11. 15. California Environmental Quality Act
  12. 16. species lacking a living representative