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  1. 3. a sensitive device that detects the shaking of Earth's crust during a Earthquake
  2. 6. the amount of energy released by an Earthquake
  3. 8. a cone fromed from explosive eruptions of hot rocks follwed by a flow a lava, over and over
  4. 11. a steep sided cone that forms from explosive eruptions of hot rocks
  5. 13. hot molten rock below earths surface
  6. 15. rides in the sea floor spreading apart the crust
  7. 16. the central opening in a volcanic area through which magma may escape
  8. 17. a cuplike hollow that froms at the top of the volcano arounf the vent
  9. 19. volcano a wide, gently sloped cone that forms fron flowas of lava
  10. 21. waves a vibration that spreads out away
  11. 22. sliding of a denser ocean platen under another plate when they collide
  1. 1. A very hot part of Earth's mantle, where magma can melt through a plate moving above it
  2. 2. magma that reaches Earth's surface and flows out a vent
  3. 4. rocks form flat
  4. 5. the point where the Earthquake starts as rocks begin to slide past each other
  5. 7. super continent split apart into pieces
  6. 9. the layer beneath Earth's crust
  7. 10. solid rocky surface
  8. 12. a huge crack in Earth's crust at or below the surface
  9. 14. shaking of Earth's crust after the initial shaking of an Earthquake
  10. 18. tectonics broken into plates that slide across the mantle
  11. 20. the point on Earth's surface directly above Earth's surface