"Will Someone Tell Me What Bequeath Means?!"

  1. 3. (adj.) causing a sharp sensation; stinging, biting
  2. 5. (adj.) easily done or attained; superficial; ready, fluent; easily shown but sincerely felt
  3. 6. (adj.) shy, lacking self-confidence, modest, reserved
  4. 9. The chivalrous hot-head who charges into battle.
  5. 10. Contrary to their stealthy approach, the ninja tend to have a temerity in battle due to this technique.
  6. 11. Although he is usually infallible in battle he manages to die a lot.
  7. 13. The notably altruistic character who rose from conflicting beginnings.
  8. 15. (v.) to rest; lie; place (n.) relaxation, peace of mind, calmness
  9. 16. The classic catch-phrase the ninja say before embarking on a journey or adventure.
  10. 18. (v.) to express agreement (n.) agreement
  1. 1. Known to be virulent to all around him he still has a kind side exposing his contrasting past.
  2. 2. (adj.) sincere, real, without pretense
  3. 3. (v.) to walk heavily or slowly; to work slowly
  4. 4. Usually in discrepancy over the others reckless/dangerous plans (he screams a lot).
  5. 7. (adj.) fierce and cruel; aggressive; deadly, destructive; scathingly harsh
  6. 8. The member who grounds the team and shows clemency even in the harshest of times.
  7. 12. Despite his indomitable attitude to become the green ninja, his tale is cut short with a far from happy ending.
  8. 14. (n.) a lack, scarcity, inadequate supply, a famine
  9. 15. (adj.) neglectful in performance of one's duty, careless
  10. 17. A constant benefactor to the team who helps build mechs.