William Shakespeare Fun Facts by JT

  1. 4. The month of Shakespeare's birthday.
  2. 6. His first published book was The First ___.
  3. 7. Not an Elizabethian writer but a ___ writer.
  4. 8. William was this old when he married Anne.
  5. 10. The bard had seven____ in his family.
  6. 12. This is the US pres who loved Shakespeare.
  7. 14. Shakespeare put a ___ on his grave.
  8. 15. William attended this Christian church.
  1. 1. Shakespeare wore this type of jewelry.
  2. 2. The bard mostly wrote under this king.
  3. 3. Dominant color on his coat-of-arms.
  4. 5. Poems written during the plague
  5. 9. Experts have found __ variations of his name.
  6. 11. Shakespeare died on his ___.
  7. 13. People think two plays are missing or ___.