- 2. Group that challenges the authority of Derg regime and looking for independence
- 3. Group of people from southeastern Nigeria
- 5. thousands of deaths of Tutsi minority ethnic group which were killed by Rwanda's Hutu majority
- 8. Sun city agreement and the establishment of a transitional government was put in place after the war officially ended in 2003
- 11. They provided medical help to people affected by the Nigerian civil war
- 13. Dead American soldiers were dragged through the streets of Mogadishu
- 17. Kenyan troops entered southern Somalia to fight al-Shabaab
- 19. Known as diamonds mined in a war zone and sold to fun conflict
- 20. The conflict between Tanzania-Uganda-Palestine resulted in the Battle of Lukaya which also resulted in loss of Lukaya which led to the collapse of the Ugandan army
- 21. organized in 1985 to raise funds for famine relief in Ethiopia and other African countries
- 22. Group/government with ideologies of Marxist-Leninist military dictatorship
- 23. He had some government control, but the cold war affected him since he lost power and left him bankrupt
- 24. An operation created by the UN was sent to Somali to restore power/control
- 1. imposed by the Nigerian government resulted in many deaths
- 4. the President of Uganda Milton Obote was overthrown in a coup by parts of the Uganda Army which put General Idi Amin in power
- 6. The Tanzanian president Julius Nyerere declared war on Uganda and Julius gave weapons to rebels that supported Obote and other anti-amin leaders
- 7. The LRA is a Christian extremist organization led by Joseph Kony
- 9. Non-government organizations that helped Biafra
- 10. Came to power in 1969 and almost had full totalitarian power
- 12. Muammar was the leader of Libya and an ally of Amin, so he sent thousands of Libyan troops to Uganda to assist Uganda’s army
- 13. Used to scare/fight back the Ethiopian rebel groups
- 14. Presidents of Tanzania who supported Obote's loyalists
- 15. During the battle Somali militia forces shot down three American Black Hawk helicopters
- 16. A group used to oppose the military dictatorship of Amin
- 18. Derg was dissolved and it established the PDRE and WPE to maintain power/rule