Wilson and Aaron's TOK cross word ADVENTURE

  1. 1. it is a truth test in which something is compared to given or accepted truths
  2. 3. A tree that grows upside down
  3. 6. reveals true strechtiness of the continents
  4. 7. All basketball players have to be tall to be good, but Nate Robinson is only 175 cm and can dunk
  5. 9. a world where there are no rules and everything is possible if you think it is
  6. 12. biological vs social influences
  7. 15. "how do we know we exist? How do we know that the wold is round? how do we know we know anything"; a person who acts like this is an example of a [BLANK](no, not an example of a TOK teacher)
  1. 2. The best way of knowing the truth is by experiencing it
  2. 4. extended metaphor
  3. 5. promotion of euro-centrism in perception of the world
  4. 8. a type of sense which involves body awareness and sense
  5. 10. when using [BLANK] you explain things using logic and reason, believing that that is the only real way of knowing
  6. 11. Our world is the center of everything because God has made it the center of everything
  7. 13. theory that genes aren't locks and are influenced by enviornment factors that effect you and you ancestors
  8. 14. the study of knowledge