
  1. 1. to give sth in return for money
  2. 3. an ATM
  3. 4. to take sth from smn for some time (with permission)
  4. 6. to get a prize in a competition
  5. 8. an official paper with info about payment; a banknote
  6. 9. to get money as payment for work
  7. 10. to use money to pay for things
  8. 11. to give sth to smn for some time
  9. 13. to take money for some service
  10. 14. giving money to those who need
  1. 2. to stop having something, be unable to find
  2. 3. the country's money
  3. 5. to use something ineffectively
  4. 6. sth to keep you paper money in
  5. 7. sth to keep you coins in
  6. 10. to keep money for the future
  7. 12. to give money for something you buy
  8. 13. to have a price
  9. 15. to be able to buy because you have enough money