wings of fire

  1. 3. A suspicious nightwing
  2. 8. Magic
  3. 10. The continent where all dragons live
  4. 11. Pale, gold or white scales and a poisonous barbed tail
  5. 13. Silvery or blue scales, exhale a deadly frostbreath
  6. 14. Purplish-black scales can read minds and breathe fire
  7. 16. Thick armored scales and large flat heads
  1. 1. The dragon Darkstalker loved
  2. 2. one of Turtles best friends
  3. 4. Turtle saved this dragonet from death
  4. 5. A seawing Jade mountain teacher
  5. 6. Red-gold or orange scales, can breathe fire, powerful fliers and fighters
  6. 7. A skywing with firescales
  7. 9. Scales constantly shift colors and they can shoot a deadly venom from their fangs
  8. 12. Blue, green, or aquamarine scales can breathe underwater
  9. 15. A skeptical saewing