Wings of Fire: Dragon Slayer

  1. 3. what is whipped?
  2. 4. is another word for darkness
  3. 5. "Good move, but too slow", she said
  4. 7. whats happening win the book
  5. 10. the word for things that aren't real
  6. 11. "My Crew and I are planning to _________ somewhere hot during winter"
  7. 12. the strongest city that can't be destroyed
  8. 15. they live in the icy arctic region of the upper west peninsula
  9. 16. the place where the daughter of a slayer lives
  10. 17. they can breathe fire and vanish into dark shadows
  11. 18. the daughter of the person who slayed a dragon
  1. 1. when someone/something is worn out or tierd
  2. 2. only being able to see a little bit of something
  3. 4. Wings of Fire -legends-
  4. 6. leaf's hometown
  5. 7. the house of royalty
  6. 8. live in the mountain range and have wings
  7. 9. -prologue- 20 years ago...
  8. 11. the name of a book or story
  9. 13. someone who slays dragons
  10. 14. the protagonist of this story