- 2. Saint that inspired modern day Santa
- 3. A nine-branched candelabrum used for a holiday
- 6. Spinning top used in Hanukkah game
- 9. Santa’s entrance on Christmas Eve
- 10. Potato Pancakes Popular during Jewish holidays
- 12. Location of Santa’s workshop
- 14. Chocolate coins given out at Hanukkah
- 16. smell festive ringing thing featured in a popular song
- 19. African-American cultural celebration in winter
- 21. Shiny metallic strands used for decoration
- 22. Nature's intricate frozen artistry
- 23. Classic ballet or tool for opening pecans and more
- 1. Set these off to start 2024
- 4. Last name Kringle, First name ____
- 5. Plant known for holiday kisses
- 7. Buddhist Holiday taking place December 8th, _____ Day
- 8. Nine of these antlered animals wait up on the rooftop
- 11. Animal representing Lunar New Year 2024
- 13. Scottish New Years celebration
- 15. Long socks hung by the chimney with care
- 17. Festive singing door to door
- 18. Creamy holiday drink, sometimes spiked with holiday spirits
- 20. Wrapped gift, or this current moment