
  1. 3. shoe worn when there is much snow
  2. 5. a month known for winter
  3. 10. headphone like accessory worn in cold weather
  4. 13. a striped stick of candy
  5. 14. a hot drink made of milk and chocolate
  6. 17. a flake of snow
  7. 19. the personification of winter
  8. 21. an implement or vehicle used for clearing roads of snow by pushing it aside
  9. 22. a fluffy big horned deer
  10. 26. a sharp piece of ice hanging from a roof or a hanging surface
  11. 28. a long narrow sled used for the sport of coasting downhill over snow or ice
  1. 1. a place where Santa and his elves live
  2. 2. gloves worn in cold weather
  3. 4. a place for a domestic fire inside the house
  4. 6. a transparent coating of ice, found especially on a road or other paved surface
  5. 7. a picture on the ground of snow that is made by laying down and moving your arms and legs back and forth
  6. 8. frozen water
  7. 9. an activity on a large frozen pond/lake/rink
  8. 11. a heavy fall of snow, especially with a high wind
  9. 12. a house made of cookies, frosting, and candy
  10. 15. a thick insulated coat
  11. 16. injury to body tissues caused by exposure to extreme cold
  12. 18. a statue made of snow made to resemble a person
  13. 20. a vehicle made for sliding on the snow
  14. 23. a pipe on top of the house that is connected to the fireplace
  15. 24. a violent snow storm
  16. 25. a large piece of freshwater ice that broke off from a glacier
  17. 27. a drink made from a mixture of beaten eggs, cream, and flavorings