
  1. 2. What month is the Superbowl? (American football)
  2. 4. Santa lives at the ______ pole.
  3. 6. What does Mariah Carey want for Christmas?
  4. 7. I am not good at ice _______
  5. 9. When do people kiss on New Year`s Eve?
  6. 11. Let`s go outside and make a _______
  7. 12. Last christmas I gave you my _______
  1. 1. What do Santa`s reindeer eat?
  2. 3. Santa`s favorite catchphrase!
  3. 5. For Kangaroos, Christmas is very _____.
  4. 8. Which green character hates Christmas?
  5. 10. How many reindeer does Santa have?