
  1. 3. they help santa deliver presents
  2. 5. your mom gets mad when you throw them at your siblings face
  3. 8. no matter how much you avoid it you always end up slipping on it
  4. 12. your mom always tells you to wear them but then you cant make snowballs
  5. 13. its his birthday
  6. 14. you put it in you living room or dining room every Christmas
  7. 16. they watch you and report to santa every night
  8. 17. sharp and cold
  9. 18. white cold fluffy stuff that falls from the sky
  10. 19. santa fills it with treats and toys
  1. 1. people sing them to bring holiday cheer
  2. 2. santa leaves them under the tree
  3. 4. the coldest month of the year
  4. 6. somthing you put all over your house at christmas time
  5. 7. he sneaks down you chimney steals your cookies and leaves presents
  6. 9. you wear it when it gets too cold
  7. 10. santas wife
  8. 11. a thing you hand on a christmas tree
  9. 14. you look for it in the north sky
  10. 15. think of him as you icy friend
  11. 20. heart 3x as small