
  1. 1. Granny *BLANK* runs the Charity Corner.
  2. 4. This palace looks extra impressive under the evening sky.
  3. 6. For seasonal joy all year round, you can get your Neopet a wintery petpet at this species shop.
  4. 8. Keep your friends in splits this winter with these clever and witty *BLANK* jokes.
  5. 9. These petpets are always amazed by everything that goes on around them.
  1. 2. This Aisha loves winter and lives high up on the mountain.
  2. 3. The month of December is also the month of...?
  3. 5. These wings have been delicately crafted from a flowering winter *BLANK*!
  4. 7. The *BLANK* of winter creeps into the atmosphere like a slow and long drawn-out exhale.
  5. 10. This species runs a special shop that opens up in the NC Mall during the Winter months.