
  1. 2. combustion
  2. 5. going down a snowy hill on two "planks"
  3. 6. A sport with a stick and ice
  4. 7. Warm fabric covers
  5. 8. Chocolate in hot water or milk
  6. 9. Holiday that takes place on the 25th of December The 12th month of the year
  7. 11. Wet white stuff coming out of clouds
  8. 13. Balls of snow
  9. 14. year The first day of January
  1. 1. The opposite of having school
  2. 3. A Jewish holiday in December for 8 days
  3. 4. trees The type of tree used for a Christmas tree
  4. 5. little flecks of ice
  5. 10. A glass container that when shaken has snow
  6. 12. Not warm
  7. 13. going down a snowy hill in a "tub"