
  1. 5. Organisms that thrive in cold conditions
  2. 7. Warmth of the Sun during winter
  3. 8. A holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus
  4. 11. Individual ice crystals that grow in the atmosphere and then fall, accumulating on the ground
  5. 12. The coldest season
  6. 14. An eight-day Jewish holiday celebrating the rededication of the Second Temple of Jerusalem
  1. 1. The English monk behind Christmas
  2. 2. Formed when sunlight refracts through ice crystals in clouds
  3. 3. The first day of winter
  4. 4. A severe snowstorm
  5. 6. Plants that retain green leaves year-round
  6. 9. The person who brings gifts to children
  7. 10. An ice crystal commonly with six-fold symmetry
  8. 13. An Indian winter monsoon