
  1. 5. a thin, pointed, hanging piece of ice. It is formed by water freezing as it drips.
  2. 6. An instrument used to measure temperature
  3. 8. A great mass of ice, earth, or snow mixed with rocks sliding down a mountain
  4. 9. is a beverage made from juice pressed from apples usually enjoyed wathe armed.
  5. 10. to hold (a person or thing) close, as for affection, comfort, warmth
  1. 1. A black, powdery substance that consists mainly of carbon and is formed through the incomplete combustion of wood, coal, diesel oil, or other materials. Soot is usually seen after using fireplaces or candles.
  2. 2. to sleep through the winter; to be inactive
  3. 3. great surprise, or wonder
  4. 4. decoration is the act of making it more attractive by adding ornament, color, etc
  5. 7. North American reindeer