
  1. 2. This winter sport is a favourite of many Canadians.
  2. 4. This is what bears do during the winter season.
  3. 9. Many people promise to make a "New Year's _____" at this time of year.
  4. 10. This is another name for a toboggan and is something you will need to slide down snowy hills.
  5. 11. When you go outside for a walk in the snow, please wear ______ to keep your feet warm and dry.
  6. 12. This food is often served during Chinese New Year.
  7. 13. They pull Santa's sleigh.
  8. 14. This is a mixture of snow and rain and ice pellets.
  1. 1. Put these on to glide across the ice.
  2. 3. This is the Christian holiday celebrated at this time of year.
  3. 5. This is the temperature that divides (is between) "+" and "-".
  4. 6. This tingling feeling happens in your fingers and toes when they are really cold.
  5. 7. Many Chinese children will receive a RED one of these during Chinese New Year.
  6. 8. When a lot of snow falls all at once.