
  1. 1. A sport on the ice that uses a puck and sticks.
  2. 3. The name of the snowman with the corncob pipe and button nose.
  3. 4. Worn on a head to keep it warm.
  4. 6. Something in a house that uses a chemical reaction to warm up a person.
  5. 9. Delicate shape made from frozen water.
  6. 13. Type of shoe needed to glide on frozen water.
  7. 15. Warm drink containing marshmallows.
  8. 16. Negative temperatures.
  9. 17. Type of plant that people decorate for the holidays.
  10. 19. Using an object to slide down a hill.
  1. 2. Holiday celebrated near the end of December with Santa and presents.
  2. 5. Measures the temperature.
  3. 7. Used to describe the temperature in the winter.
  4. 8. Red and white candy.
  5. 9. Gliding down a hill using two long shoes.
  6. 10. Person made out of snow.
  7. 11. Cover the hands and keeps them toasty warm.
  8. 12. Storm with a lot of wind and accumulated snow.
  9. 14. White powder that falls to the ground.
  10. 18. Day that results from bad weather.