
  1. 4. a season
  2. 5. keeps you warm
  3. 8. black rocks used for fires
  4. 10. chocolate a hot drink you may have with marshmallows
  5. 11. you put these on your feet to keep them warm
  6. 12. you can bake this in the oven
  7. 14. a feeling you have when your warm
  8. 15. a dairy drink
  1. 1. snow figure you can build outside
  2. 2. frozen water
  3. 3. you may have one in your house to make a fire
  4. 6. drops salt on road to melt ice and snow
  5. 7. keeps your head warm
  6. 9. helps you move snow out the way
  7. 10. ice that falls from the sky
  8. 13. A common type of precipitation in the winter