  1. 1. A figure made of packed snow, often resembling a person with a carrot nose and buttons.
  2. 5. Gloves with separate compartments for the thumb and other fingers, keeping the hands warm.
  3. 7. chocolate A warm and comforting beverage made from melted chocolate or cocoa powder.
  4. 8. Sturdy and insulated footwear worn to keep feet warm and dry in winter.
  5. 9. A long, knitted or woven piece of fabric worn around the neck for warmth.
  6. 10. A structure where a fire can be lit for heating and creating a cozy atmosphere.
  7. 12. A device used for sliding down snowy slopes, often made of wood or plastic.
  8. 13. A low temperature that makes the air and surroundings feel chilly.
  1. 1. A warm, knitted garment worn on the upper body to provide insulation.
  2. 2. fight A playful activity where people throw snowballs at each other for fun.
  3. 3. sports Activities or sports that are enjoyed during the winter season, such as skiing or ice skating.
  4. 4. A unique ice crystal that falls from the sky during snowy weather.
  5. 6. A long, pointed piece of ice that forms when dripping water freezes.
  6. 11. Solid water that forms when the temperature drops below freezing point.
  7. 12. Frozen precipitation in the form of white flakes that fall from the sky.