
  1. 2. A friendly figure made of snow with a carrot nose and a hat.
  2. 3. A long, colorful cloth to wrap around your neck for warmth.
  3. 6. Long, shiny, hanging ice formations.
  4. 9. A sled for sliding downhill on snow with friends.
  5. 11. When some animals sleep deeply during winter to save energy.
  6. 12. A warm, cozy place in a house to enjoy a fire.
  7. 13. Sparkling, icy patterns on windows and grass on cold mornings.
  8. 14. Cocoa A yummy, warm chocolate drink with marshmallows.
  1. 1. Delicate, unique ice crystals that fall from the sky.
  2. 3. A fancy, horse-drawn sled used for rides in the snow.
  3. 4. A heavy, warm jacket for really cold weather.
  4. 5. Wonderland A magical, snowy world like in fairy tales.
  5. 7. Skating Gliding on ice with special shoes that have blades.
  6. 8. Cozy hand coverings with no separate fingers.
  7. 10. A soft, snuggly covering for staying warm indoors.