
  1. 3. Swirls of peppermint joy
  2. 4. How do you decorate your tree?
  3. 6. Let’s go to the __ rink
  4. 8. A symbol of life everlasting; they last through the Winter
  5. 10. “Merry Christmas”, in other words
  6. 11. Warm and cozy
  7. 12. A “heavenly” snowy creation
  8. 14. King of sinful sots
  9. 17. Mittens
  10. 18. Sleigh ___ ring
  11. 19. Something hanging over your head
  12. 22. Let it ____
  13. 24. A cold hanging
  14. 25. Staple of a Jewish Holiday
  15. 27. All of these are unique
  1. 1. Circle of life and its continuity
  2. 2. A fluorescent red flower
  3. 5. Synonymous with benefaction
  4. 7. Santa’s o.g. name
  5. 9. Coal, carrots, snow, hat
  6. 10. Santa’s doorway
  7. 13. Bite without teeth
  8. 15. Could be hot, dark, or white
  9. 16. Quadrennial event
  10. 20. Socks that are large?
  11. 21. Kwanzaa feast
  12. 23. The time of cold long nights
  13. 26. Shelf companion