
  1. 3. A wintersport with a stick in each of your hands and a stick under each foot.
  2. 5. A warm drink that might have whipped cram or marshmallows on top.
  3. 6. The opposite of hot.
  4. 7. Hard frozen water.
  5. 9. The word for falling because of ice (verb).
  6. 10. What you wear on your feet in winter.
  7. 11. Soft white pieces of frozen water that fall to the ground.
  1. 1. The colour of fresh snow.
  2. 2. You can sit on this and then slide down a snowy hill.
  3. 3. What you wear to keep your neck warm.
  4. 4. What you wear to keep your hands warm, these have individual finger openings.
  5. 8. What you wear to keep your hands warm, these are have one opening for your whole hand.